3rd Edition
Guidebook to over 300 Cataracts
in the Volunteer State
by Gregory Plumb
The east-west shape of Tennessee cuts across the sweeping Applachian Mountains
and Plateaus. This results in a variety of landscapes throughout
the Volunteer State, with waterfalls occurring in abundance.
This compact, yet comprehensive guide shows hikers, day-trippers, and others
the way to some of the most beautiful places to be found in the Southeastern
United States.
The text gives clear directions on how to reach each of the falls and
whether accessibility is by car, foot, or even by boat. There are
plenty of opportunities for everyone to explore: from young families
to rugged backpackers. This guide is a must for every "waterfall
collector". Author Greg Plumb spent several years map reading,
driving, and trekking across the state to view, record, and present this
outstanding collection of waterfalls. Here are some of the features
of the 346-page book:
conveniently divided into eight geographic regions and their subareas
descriptions and directions to over 300 waterfalls
GPS coordinates included
keyed for accessibility for car, foot, and even boat
text accompanied by maps and photography
each cataract is rated for aesthetic value on a 4-star rating system
numeric visual magnitude ratings are also given
Suggested Retail Price $16.95
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