More Others COPYRIGHT 2013 by Gregory A. Plumb
Drury Falls
Rating: **
Form: horsetail
Magnitude: 51
Access: auto (page 47)
USGS Map: Winton (1989)
Edition: 1st
Image courtesy of David Head
A full-sized image can be viewed from the photographer's web page hyperlinked above.
Click Here for Teanaway Falls, USGS Mount Stuart (1989 ns).
Use the following Waterfalls for Intrepid Explorers hyperlink to access an index for information on exploring the following waterfalls yet to be visited by the author:
Falls Creek Falls (u), USGS Enchantment Lakes (1989 nl)
Hardscrabble Creek Falls (u), USGS Enchantment Lakes (1989 nl)
Perfection Lake Falls (u), USGS Enchantment Lakes (1989 nl)
Upper Snow Creek Falls (u) USGS Enchantment Lakes (1989 nl)
West Colchuck Falls (u), USGS Enchantment Lakes (1989 nl)
Although located adjacent to Trail #1553, Google Earth imagery appears to reveal Snow Creek Falls
(u), USGS Leavenworth (1989 nl) to be periodically dry.
Its topographic map suggests Colchuck Falls (u), USGS Cashmere Mountain (1989 nl), is not accessible.
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