Others COPYRIGHT 2013 by Gregory A. Plumb
Duc Falls
Rating: ***
Form: segmented
Magnitude: 58
Access: trail (page 92)
USGS Map: Bogachiel Peak (1950)
Edition: 1st
Use the following Waterfalls for Intrepid Explorers hyperlink to access an index for information on exploring the following waterfalls yet to be visited by the author:
Mineral Creek Falls (u), USGS Owl Mountain (1990 nl)
Warkum Creek Falls (u), USGS Hunger Mountain (1990 nl)
Forest canopy likely precludes seeing Martin Creek Falls (u), USGS Mount Olympus (1990 nl), Middle Martin Creek Falls USGS Mount Olympus (1990 nl), or
Upper Martin Creek Falls (u), USGS Mount
Olympus (1990 nl) along Hoh River Trail. It is also doubtful for Glacier Creek Falls (u), USGS Mount Olympus (2003 nl) to be seen.
All-in-Creek Falls (u), USGS Hunger Mountain (1990 nl),
Bogachiel Falls (u), USGS Hunger Mountain (1990 ns) and
Upper Bogachiel Falls (u), USGS Hunger Mountain (1990 ns) appear not to be accessible.
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