Lost Creek Falls
Rating: **
Form: punchbowl
Magnitude: 15
Access: auto (page 361)
USGS Map: Tamarack (1986)
Edition: 2nd
Use the following Waterfalls for Intrepid Explorers hyperlink to access an index for information on exploring the following waterfalls:
Wildhorse Falls, USGS Cuddy Mtn (1987)
Benton Creek Falls (u), USGS Sturgill Creek (1987 nl)
Lower Rush Falls (u), USGS Rush Peak (1986 nl)
Rush Falls, USGS Rush Peak (1986)
No roads or trails appear on the map for Bear Creek Falls, USGS Rocky Comfort Flat (1986).
COPYRIGHT 2013 by Gregory A. Plumb
GUIDEBOOK published by
Mountaineers Books